Friday, September 10, 2010

30DBJ: Day 10

A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago of Me

Oh friends, today is your lucky day. I actually have a TON of pictures on my computer from over 10 years ago. Because I love you all so much and think you're the best readers out there, you get to see me in all of my awkward childhood glory. 
 At a friend's salon-themed birthday party.

This was when Madonna's song Vogue was popular I think.
(Blurred the other face to protect the innocent.)

Proof that my mom did not love me. 
WHY would you give a curly-haired child BANGS?


  1. Love it! Salon themed birthday party?? I want one of those.

  2. I'mmmmmmmmm actually dying over your vogue pose. Literally dying.

    I went to a salon themed party once but we each got a styrofoam head that we got to add yarn hair to and draw on make up. I had that thing for YEARS. 'Twas quite proud.

    Yours looks like more fun though, in retrospect.

  3. Ahhhhh salon themed party....these pics make me smile.


Whatcha think about that?