Monday, September 20, 2010

30DBJ: Day 20

A Hobby
Um, drinking wine? Going to Home Goods? Buying make-up? I have no hobbies. I like to cook! Can that be a hobby? I don't knit or sew. I don't do graphic design in my spare time. I don't have an Etsy shop. I'm sarcastic, can that be a hobby? Judging and sarcasm? What IS a hobby, anyway? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??


  1. Hahaha, drinking wine! That counts as a hobby, you may need to change it to wine connoisseur.

  2. You BLOG, Duh.
    You entertain me.
    You are awesome.

  3. Let's have a hobby club. Because we have the same hobbies. It could be like book club but BETTER.

  4. Can we drink wine and go to home goods? Hell let's take a bottle of wine with us into home goods. They have glasses. :) I LOVVVVE HG!


Whatcha think about that?